It's your son here
من سالیان پیش این رو نوشتم ولی تاریخ همیشه در حال تکرار شدن لحظه های تلخ هست ! کابوس های شبانه ام پایانی ندارن ...می دونم که زندگی همیشه بر " مرگ " غلبه میکنه . زندگی می تونه در " مرگ " هم جریان داشته باشه همانطور که در " زندگی " هزاران بار " مرگ" رو تجربه می کنیم ! خوش بختانه هیچوقت با مرگ خودم مشکلی نداشتم وندارم ولی تحمل از دست دادن عزیزان برام سخته !همیشه یافرسنگها دور ا م و یا اینقدر نزدیکم که کاری از دستم بر نمی آد ! زندگی " حس " عجیب و غریبی است که هنوز درست نمی دونم کدوم قسمتش رو بیشتر دوست دارم ! زنده بودن رو ... با یاد ها زندگی کردن رو ... در یاد ها زنده بودن رو ... شایدم فقط خود ِ خود ِ زندگی رو ...
My Dad did sits in the hospital without me there.
My Dad lays dying, but always knowing I care.
My Dad woke up & ONLY asked where is " J " ?
My Dad loves me, but I love him more than he may never know.
My Dad has been always by my side.
My Dad has been the one I go to when I need to hide.
My Dad is the best man I will ever know.
My Dad knows I will be sad when it's time for him to go.
My Dad has grandchildren that love him so.
My Dad will be remembered by his grandchildren when their grown.
My Dad is so young to leave this Earth now.
My Dad is sitting there wondering, WHY ME and How.
My Dad has always been my very best friend.
My Dad knows I will be with him until the very end.
My Dad is fighting his disease and taking it day by day.
My Dad will not let go until his time here is done.
My Dad will close his eyes and say good-bye to the world.
My Dad will always have a special place in my heart.
My Dad will forgive me even though we're apart.
My Dad's bedside is where I have to say good-bye.
My Dad will have to see me go and look me in the eye.
My Dad's frown will be hidden by a smile.
I love you, Dad. It's your son here.
I will always know that you will be near.
I'll miss you, Dad, with all of my heart.
If I ever decide to have kids in the future.
I will be a better parent all because of you.
I love you, Dad and I will think of you every day.
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