Monday, May 12, 2003

عجب مراسمی بود ...کلی از سرشناسهای لندن اومده بودن ...البته بنظرم مهم اين نيست که چند
صد آدم معروف که معمولا توی تلويزيون ميبنی دور هم گرد اومده باشن ، چون در بيشتر مراسم شادی و جشنها اين تيپ آدمها هميشه حضور دارند و وقتی ميبينی خيلی از اينها در روز دوشنبه از کارهای ديگه زده اند تا ادای احترام به دوست عزيزی رو به جا بيارن ، ميفهمی که انسانيت در سختيها هميشه با قشنگترين حالت نمايان ميشه و اين به خودی خود ارزشمند هست ...
اينهم يکی از مقاله هائي که به ياد “ Mandy Bruce “ در روزنامه Daily Express چاپ شد.

Trend spotter with eyes on the stars {Talented “ Mandy Bruce “ , Journalist & Author }
Some people have an uncanny ability to predict trends, Journalist and author Mandy Bruce was one of them . As one of the first journalists to identify the cult of celebrity, which burgeoned in the mid-Seventies and which now dominates every popular news paper, she helped create the revolutionary AD Lib column on the London Evening News .
This was a diary column that focused on stories about a new generation of popular celebrities rather than the usual bevy of obscure aristocrats and wealthy business people. Born in Plymouth in 1954, Mandy began her career on the Torquay Times before moving to the Evening News in 1974. When it closed in 1980, she became a freelance journalist specialising in celebrity interviews. She was also the author of a diverse range of books, from a series of children’s works to bestsellers produced with Kate Kray, the widow of gangster Ronnie.
She is survived by her husband , fellow journalist Ross Tayne.